Binding Demons, 

​Prayers and Testimonials

I AM the Master Builder

Doing it God's Way,  journal

All PDF's February, 2015

Prophetic Dream of an

​Apocalyptic Event in the US

Prophetic Dream from Ezekiel, 

​Magnetic Pole shift, rocks falling

Effective Prayer, Prophetic Message from Jesus

Jesus Romancing His

Bride,  journal

song Zachariah's Canticle

Jesus and Holy Spirit,

​Blissful Night, journal

Jesus Warns about Voices

of the Enemy,  journal

Jesus Teaches on Restoring

our Peace,  journal

Please click on the desired PICTURE of the video to be taken to the pdf  copy

Carrying the Cross

​of Sickness  journal

Intimacy with Jesus is Our 

Preparation for the Rapture

song Here is My Servant

​Jesus   Isaiah 42

Instruction on  the 

​Binding Prayer

Please click on this image             to hear an MP3 version of this message

Are You Prepared to Stand

​before the Son of Man?

Demonic Obstacles against

​Hearing and Seeing Jesus

"I What Your Whole Heart"

​Jesus said

Longing for a Radical

Love for Jesus,  journal

   All the messages from this time period have been compiled into one, convenient PDF book here.

  Please feel free to download, print, copy or share this PDF.

   Please click on the picture to the left to go to the PDF file.