Video Playlist 

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 The GOD Dimension and CERN

~ God's High Tech Weapon against CERN technologies & demon-aliens
~Jesus Speaks on THE GOD DIMENSION & Video Games  16:15
~The Hordes of Hell Have Been Released, CERN opens the portal
~CERN, "I AM God, There Is None Other"  5:22
  ​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the right (4 videos)

~Open Your Heart All The Way To Me, Message from Jesus  18:06
~Surrender It All To Me  18:15
"My Child You are Forgiven" A meditation with Jesus REMIX
by Still Small Voice
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the right (8 videos)

  Guided Healing Meditations

~Seems I Never Knew, Song by Ezekiel, To Jesus  5:07
~Jesus is My Lover and My Friend  4:47
~Endless Embrace, music from Journeys Through The Beautiful Place
~Liberation, Soaking Prayer in Heaven with Jesus  13:00
~To Love You, song about Jesus  4:49
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the left (51 videos)

   Dwelling Prayer Music

~Still The Same  5:30
~What Kind of Kindness  4:32
~His Bride  6:45
~Holy Bread of Life, Song by Ezekiel  5:39
~America, America!  3:21

~Song of Songs Slide Show  28:36
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the right (68 videos)

  Music For the Bridal Chamber

  Jealousy in the Body of Christ

~The Threatening Letter & YouTube Family Update  9:54
~Jesus Speaks on Why Our Enemies Are Important  16:33
~Jealousy is Stalking Us, Jesus teaches on this painful trap  16:12
~Innocent Blood, Wounding Christians  15:16
~ Jealousy & Fear In The Body of Christ 9 of 9  7:38

~Jealousy & Fear in the Body of Christ, 8 of 9  7:06
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the left (10 videos)

  Heaven Talks

~Are You Prepared to Stand before the Son of Man?, Heaven Talk  22:20
~Spiritual Dryness, 2 of 2, Heaven Talk  34:00
~Spiritual Dryness 1 of 2, Heaven Talk  37:18
~Finding Your Purpose by Following Your Heart, Heaven Talk   47:43
~How Deceiving Spirits Work  34:44

~Rapture Delayed, Dealing with Disappointment  24:25
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the right (12 videos)

~The Hordes of Hell Have Been Released, CERN opens the portal  10:35
~In The Storm, Prophetic Song About the Sequence of Events in the     Rapture  11:42
~Confusion is Coming To This Land, Could we be June Brides?  16:26
~You Must Have TRUE Discernment  5:37
~Your Prayers Are Moving God's Heart (Iraq and ISIS)  6:59
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the left (21 videos)

  Left Behind, What's Next

~The Triumph of Your Faith Brings Me Joy (Jesus)  9:30
~The World To Come, Jesus Speaks about...  7:28
~In The Storm, Prophetic Song About the Sequence of Events in the            Rapture  11:42
~Frustration & Anger of Waiting...   10:58
~My Bride is A Proverbs 31 Woman, Jesus teaches  9:01
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the right (48 videos)

  Prophetic Messages to My Bride

~Sexual Temptations in Prayer  23:46
~The Hordes of Hell Have Been Released, CERN opens the portal  10:35
~Disobedience Brings Sorrow  15:58
~Uncle Sam's Heart Disintegrating From the Inside Out  7:23

~Confusion is Coming To This Land, Could we be June Brides?  16:26
~My Bride Is Beautiful on the Battlefield  3:01
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the left (8 videos)

  Ezekiel's Music

  Clare's Music

~Swift Away  4:36
~ The Our Father, by Clare  2:39
~Left Behind in Nuclear War, Sequence of Events Before and After Rapture  11:40
~Endless Love  5:31
~God The Father Sings a Welcome to His Child  3:47
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the right (18 videos)

~Sexual Temptations in Prayer  23:46
~The Hordes of Hell Have Been Released, CERN opens the portal  10:35
~Disobedience Brings Sorrow  15:58
~Uncle Sam's Heart Disintegrating From the Inside Out  7:23

~Confusion is Coming To This Land, Could we be June Brides?  16:26
~My Bride Is Beautiful on the Battlefield  3:01
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the left (8 videos)

  Birth pangs/attacks are harder: persevere

~The Honeymoon, in Heaven with Jesus  20:27
~Will You Stand When The World Crumbles  6:51
~Come To Me Through Worship, Through Your Expectations, I Am            Removing Stains  12:55
~Prepare For Our Wedding Day, Jesus said (w Wedding Song)  20:40
~Jesus Instructs the Left Behind, Put No Confidence In The Flesh  9:37
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the right (100 videos)


~The Maroon Beret  23:03
~In The Storm, Prophetic Song About the Sequence of Events

    in the Rapture  11:42
~Frustration & Anger of Waiting...  10:58
~I Am My Beloved's His Desire Is For Me, Bride of Jesus  17:56

~The Deeper Meaning of Our Wedding Day 9:32
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the left (12 videos)


~Terrors of Isis Continue, Jesus is Looking for Intercessors

     for the children  14:19
~Disobedience Brings Sorrow  15:58
~Jesus is Grieving, "Console Me." Bittersweet Message  9:23
~Why Does GOD Allow Suffering - Jesus Speaks on Bitterness  15:03

~Your Prayers Are Moving God's Heart (Iraq and ISIS)  6:59
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the left (12 videos)


~Disobedience Brings Sorrow  15:58
~When God is Silent and It's Not Your Fault  16:44
~Spiritual Dryness 1 of 2, Heaven Talk  37:18
~Spiritual Dryness, 2 of 2, Heaven Talk  34:00
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the left (4 videos)

  When Jesus is Silent, You Can't Hear His Voice

~The Triumph of Your Faith Brings Me Joy (Jesus)  9:30
~Jealousy is Stalking Us, Jesus teaches on this painful trap  16:12
~Keep a Rapture Vigil With Me & Do Not Judge  24:35
~Jesus is Coming, Draw The Line On Your Involvement

    With The World  19:09
Innocent Blood, Wounding Christians  15:17
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the right (24 videos)

  Wounding Waters, Worldliness in the Body of Christ

~Ezekiel's Rapture Dream, We Can't Make It Happen  10:07
~Prophetic Dream: THE RAPTURE IS UPON US!  4:53
~Prophetic Dream from Ezekiel, magnetic pole shift:rocks fall from sky, hybrid carnivores  8:21
~Prophetic Dream of an Apocalyptic Event in the U.S.  8:38
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the left  (21 videos)

  Prophetic Dreams

~When God is Silent and It's Not Your Fault  16:44
~The Rapture and Beguiling Spirits 21:21
~Still The Same  5:29
~My Sheep Hear My Voice  16:02
~Honoring your Husband  40:49
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the right  (29 videos)

  My Sheep Hear My Voice, Listening for the Lord

~  Jesus Speaks on Why Our Enemies are Important   16:33
~Charity Covers A Multitude of Sins, Your Time On Earth is

    Almost Over  8:11
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the left  (2 videos)

  Charity, Jesus in the Poor

  Why Wasn't I Healed?

~  Why Does GOD Allow Suffering ~REVISED~Jesus Speaks on Bitterness  15:03
~Oh How You Comfort My Heart  7:23
~Carrying the Cross of Sickness, From Our Journal  6:24
~Will You Receive This Splinter From My Cross? & When is Prayer Fervent??  11:18
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the right  (10 videos)

~  In The Storm, Prophetic Song About the Sequence of Events in the Rapture  11:42
~Abba Father's Grief, call to prayer for the middle east  11:56
~Why Must Revelation Be Fullfilled, Jesus Speaks on What Is To Come, Part 11  19:04
~Troubled Waters, Jesus Speaks On What Is To Come, Part 10  10:01
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the left  (13 videos)

  After the Rapture, Letters from Jesus

~  Your True Home, Chronicles of the Bride in Heaven  3:18
~Singing River Chronicle, Chronicles of the Bride, Journeys in Heaven
 ~Chronicles of the Bride, Chapter One  14:18

​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the right  (9 videos)

  Chronicles of the Bride (book)

~Rapture Drills Are Purifying My Brides  11:16
~Rapture: Bride of Christ waiting for the Rapture  6:18

~The Deeper Meaning of Our Wedding Day, Jesus Speaks  9:32

​~His Bride  6:45​

~Our Wedding Day 7:22

​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the left  (14 videos)

  Our Wedding Day

~I Am My Beloved's His Desire Is For Me, Bride of Jesus  17:56
~Jesus shares about worship, recreation and food in Heaven  17:36

~The Deeper Meaning of Our Wedding Day, Jesus Speaks  9:32

​~Rest For Your Soul, Jesus explains the Principles of Bridal

   Relationship  9:34​

 To view full playlist, click on the video to the right  (16 videos)

  Dancing With Jesus

~Jesus Speaks on Who You Are to Me  9:35
~The Deeper Meaning of Our Wedding Day  9:32

~You Do Not Receive Because You Do Not Believe  16:24

​~Jesus said: Prepare For Our Wedding Day w/Wedding Song  20:40

~Jesus shares how to recognize that you will be raptured  7:23

 To view full playlist, click on the video to the left  (21 videos)

  Who Will Be Christ's Bride and Who Will Not Qualify

~How to Hear and See Jesus  26:10
~Do Not Fear or Reject Intimacy With God  1:12:13

~Rest For Your Soul, Jesus explains the Principles of Bridal Relationship  9:34

​~How Priceless is Intimacy With God  2:38

 To view full playlist, click on the video to the right  (42 videos)

  I'm Calling You to Intimacy 

~The Triumph of Your Faith Brings Me Joy (Jesus)   9:30
~Who You Are to Me  9:35

~Footsteps of Obedience  15:34

​~My Presence in Your Marriage  7:26

 To view full playlist, click on the video to the left  (4 videos)


  Spiritual Warfare

~Jesus Speaks on Why Our Enemies are Important   16:33
~My Bride is Beautiful on the Battlefield  3:01

~Footsteps of Obedience  15:34

​~Attacks Against the Faith Are On the Way Against the Rapture 18:32

​~Rescued From a Familiar Spirit  14:30

 To view full playlist, click on the video to the right (17 videos)

  Discernment: Fingerprints of the Enemy

~Sexual Temptations in Prayer  23:46
~Disobedience Brings Sorrow  15:58

~How the Lord Delivered Me from a Religious Spirit  31:21

~Binding Praye Revised  6-3-2015  7:45

~You Must Have True Discernment  ​5:37

 To view full playlist, click on the video to the left (42 videos)

~The World to Come  7:28
~In the Storm: Prophetic Song About After the Rapture  11:42

​~Confusion is Coming To This Land...Could We Be June Brides? 16:26

~Your Prayers Are Moving God's Heart (ISIS and Iraq) 6:59

​~A Nation at War  7:39

 To view full playlist, click on the video to the right (38 videos)

  Jesus Speaks on What is to Come After the Rapture

   Intercession, Simon's Cross

~My Bride Is Beautiful on the Battlefield  3:01
~Jesus is Grieving, "Console Me." Bittersweet Message 9:23

~Terror of Isis Continue, Jesus is Looking for Intercessors 14:18

​~ Jesus is Grieving: "Console Me" Bittersweet message  9:23

​~Why Does God Allow Suffering? 15:03

 To view full playlist, click on the video to the left (12 videos)

~Endless Embrace, music from Journeys Through The Beautiful Place

~Round the Bend, music, from Journeys Through the Beautiful Place
~Liberation, Soaking Prayer in Heaven with Jesus, 3:00
~Healing Waters  8:29
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the left (4 videos)

 Journeys Through the Beautiful Place

~Come To Me Through Worship, Through Your Expectations I Am Removing Stains  12:55
~Your Very Own Gift of Worship  9:57

​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the right (2 videos)

   Worship Teaching 

~The Rapture. . Chuck Missler  by TRUEWITNESS4U   1:53:08
~An urgent prophetic warning - Suzette's dream 2014
by Voice in the City TV  45:16
~Graham Cooke: Turning curses into double blessings by tredashere~  "The Language of Heaven" By Graham Cooke by Sojourn Church Carrollton, TX  59:13
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the left (10 videos)



~Phenomena Surrounding CERN, Switzerland
by mwilson70201  35:08
~Darkest Side of CERN- Destruction of Souls -Critical!!!!
by Margaret Schaut  38:03
~Your Prayers Are Moving God's Heart (Iraq and ISIS) 6:59
~Abba Father's Grief, call to prayer for the middle east  11:56
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the right (10 videos)

~Getting A Word From the Lord, Your Word Is A Light Unto My Feet
~How To Use The Bible For An Anointed Word From God Rhema 1/4
~How To Use The Bible For an Anointed Word of God 2/4  22:28
~How To Use The Bible For an Anointed Word from God (Rhema) 3/4
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the left(10 videos)

 Getting a Word (rhema) From the Lord

~Honoring your Husband  40:49
~My Level of Respect for My Husband Has Nothing to Do with Him!
by April Cassidy   9:43
~If You Want to Be in Charge - You Will Have to Protect Yourself
by April Cassidy  10:00
~My Sheep Hear My Voice  16:02
~Preserving Holiday Joy  4:44
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the right (10 videos)

 Restoring Your Marriage

~Left Behind in Nuclear War, Sequence of Events Before and After Rapture  11:40
~Turn To The Lord  4:04
~Trust Me Child  4:40
~Endless Love  5:31
~Swift Away  4:36
​​ To view full playlist, click on the video to the left (10 videos)

 Tethered: An Album For the Left Behind