Anatomy of a Distraction Leading to Sin

June 11th, 2017

June 16th, 2017

June 9th, 2017

Miraculous Signs, Demonic Attack, Surgery by Jesus

June 14th, 2017

June 2017 Video and Pdf Files

Where Are You, My Bride? You Have Neglected Me

Topical Index For This Month

June 29th, 2017

When It Hurts To Let Go

Realms of Heaven REMIX

Count Your Blessings in the Storm

We Are Walking on the Water

All Are Being Pelted With Lies & Discouragement

This Topical Index is a companion text to the Monthly Compilation of Messages. The purpose is to give you an "at-your-fingertips" resource to quickly search and see what topics the Lord covered over a month's time. As time permits, each month will eventually have an Index, and then finally - an Index of All Messages will be produced. It is our prayer that it will be a valuable aid in "finding" what the Lord had to say about major topics over the past months. 

All Pdf's in a Single File

June 30th, 2017

June 7th, 2017

These links won't be active until - after - the end of the Month!

Come To Me, I Long For You

June 22nd, 2017

 ​​​Hint: You can Easily Translate ALL Pdf files using Google Translate in 5 Simple Steps:

1.) Download the Pdf file Above.
2.) Open it with you PDF reader.
3.) Open Google Translate.
​4.) Copy then Paste the text from the Pdf file, into Google Translate.
5.) Select your language.

June 10th, 2017

( Translation Information & Topical Index - Bottom of Page )

June 12th, 2017

The Restoration of a Soul Called by God

Unlocked Secrets of Music

June 4th, 2017

  All the messages from this time period have been compiled into one, convenient PDF book Below.
Please feel free to download, print, copy, or share this PDF File to anybody you feel it could help!

June 18th, 2017

June 21st, 2017

( Download All PDf's in a  Single File - Bottom of Page​ )

June 25th, 2017

Realms of Heaven 2 Instrumental

Realms of Heaven I/2, Dwelling/Soaking Prayer Music

Gratitude the Key to Answered Prayer

Translations Available