Rapture Dreams from Ezekiel #4

Post Rapture Letter from God 1 of 3

song  Nothing Can Separate

us From His Love

song  Love Song of Jesus carousel

Clare's Conversion Testimony 2 of 2

song  God the Father

Sings a Welcome Song

Chronicles of the Bride, Chapter One 

song  Jesus Comes to us Softly

song Who May Dwell

Please click on the desired PICTURE of the video to be taken to the pdf  copy

Visiting Heaven Through Prayer 2 of 2

Post Rapture Letter from God 2 of 3

Honoring your Husband

Rapture Dreams from Ezekiel #3

After the Rapture Letter

song  Still The Same

song  Hold Me Lord

Ezekiel du Bois

Clare's Conversion Testimony 1 of 2

   All the messages from this time period have been compiled into one, convenient PDF book here.

   Please feel free to download, print, copy or share this PDF.

   Please click on the picture to the left to go to the PDF file.

Prophetic Word on Marriage & A Spiritual Partnership

Have No Fear of the Future, The Bride Knows Her God

My Sheep Hear My Voice

How to Hear and See Jesus

Transforming Kisses from God, Prophetic Word

All PDF's October, 2014

Fear of Man Quenches the Spirit

song: Bride of Christ 

Awaiting for the Rapture

Post Rapture Letter from God 3 of 3

song  Search My Heart, Lord

Prophetic Word Rapture &

Conflict in Marriage 

Do Not Fear or Reject Intimacy with God, He Desires Your Company 

Blood Moon, Rapture Delayed

The Bride Will Not Yield Her Holiness to Money 

Visiting Heaven Through Prayer 1 of 2

The Righteous Bride Will Not Quench the Spirit, Intro