"It Is More Blessed to Give

Than to Receive"  A Jesus Teaching

Unforgiveness: A Gridlock on Grace

Jesus Teaching

Believe in Your Dreams

All PDF's October, 2015

Water Your Gifts, Teaching

from Jesus on Persevering

Unconditional Trust in Me

Assignment of Division of

Strategic Relationships

Weapon Against Anxiety

Jesus teaches on Anxiety

The Sucker Punch


These Times are Thick

With Deception

Are You Ready for the Rapture?

Please click on this image                to hear an MP3 version of this message

My Mercy & The Millennium

"Time is Short, Some of You

​ARE Ready"

Gift of Healing

Jesus Give us Points to Remember

Evil Thrashes at the Door

A Chapter from Rick Joyner's

book ​The Quest

Discouragement and Condemnation

Are Afoot

Teaching From Jesus

I Will Restore Your Soul,

Jesus is Our Strength

Healed of Blindness

​by Jesus

Power in Reconciliation

You Are My Unique


Trust Me, My Child & You Are

Faithful and True in all Things

A Good Tree Cannot

​Bear Bad Fruit

Please click on the desired PICTURE of the video to be taken to the pdf  copy

Grieve Not, Joy Comes

​in the Morning

"I Inhabit Your Praises, My Bride."

Jesus teaches on Praise

Formula for Healing

​from Jesus

"Enter Into My Rest"

a Teaching from Jesus

All the messages from this time period have been compiled into one, convenient PDF book here.

Please feel free to download, print, copy or share this PDF.

 Please click on the picture to the left to go to the PDF file.​

Distractions, Exhaustion &

the Rapture

I AM Truly Your Father

Death of Our Beloved Dog, Bruno