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Stand on Your Own Word
From Me
Death & the Life to Come
I Desire Mercy
Prophetic word from Jesus
Stand in Your Resolve,
The Gift of Healing
This is a Time of Preparation
Do You Feel Condemned?
Jesus teaches on the source of comdemnation
Don't Be Led Astray by Lies Again...
Start Recognizing Your Enemy,
teaching from Jesus
All the messages from this time period have been compiled into one, convenient PDF book here.
Please feel free to download, print, copy or share this PDF.
Please click on the picture to the left to go to the PDF file.
The Hordes of Hell Are Released
Rick Joyner Allegory
Be On Guard, Pride,
Anger and an Apology
I AM the Father of the Prodigal
Why Didn't You Seek Me?
comets, financial collapse, rapture
Your Prayers on Their Behalf
Living Every Day in the Realms of Glory
Still Small Voice, Our Precious
Family - News...Donors
The Celestial Wedding
New Onslaught of Demons Released Against My Bride; Your Defense is Personal Holiness
Refiner's Fires Are Coming
Prophetic Word
Thank You, Still Small Voice Family
Touch Others Tenderly for Me
Jesus Teaches on Healing Others
It's All About You, Jesus
"Build With Fire Tried Gold"
Jesus Admonishes
"My Heart Does Not Deceive" Jesus Nothing's Happening in September
Dome of the Rock
Prophetic Dream
I Guide You So You Can
Make Your Life, My Life
What's Your Price?
Lure of Riches & Angler Fish
You Must Love Yourself Before
You Can Love Your Brother
As Darkness Increases,
so Must Your Worship Increase
All PDFs September, 2015
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