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Topical Index For This Month

Translations Available

Satan’s Agenda for U.S. About To Receive A Fatal Blow

September 18th, 2017

  All the messages from this time period have been compiled into one, convenient PDF book Below.
Please feel free to download, print, copy, or share this PDF File to anybody you feel it could help!

Supremely Frustrating Interruptions Cause Seeds of Bitterness and Resentment

September 11th, 2017

All Pdf's in a Single File

The Binding Prayer


The Seas Have Lifted Up Their Voice

Discovering Yourself

Fasting and The Cloud-of-Lies Media

( Download All PDf's in a  Single File - Bottom of Page​ )

This Topical Index is a companion text to the Monthly Compilation of Messages. The purpose is to give you an "at-your-fingertips" resource to quickly search and see what topics the Lord covered over a month's time. As time permits, each month will eventually have an Index, and then finally - an Index of All Messages will be produced. It is our prayer that it will be a valuable aid in "finding" what the Lord had to say about major topics over the past months. 

September 24th, 2017

The Story behind: The Lonely Garden, Prophetic instrumental

 September 15th, 2017

September 15th, 2017

We Become One When You Receive My Body & Blood Each Day

( Translation Information & Topical Index - Bottom of Page )

September 9th, 2017

Dishonesty—Satan’s Open Door

These links won't be active until - after - the end of the Month!

"The Lonely Garden," a contemplative meditational -Music-

September 2017 Video and Pdf Files

September 3rd, 2017

September 15th, 2017

False Prophets Have Led My People Astray

The Earth Reels Like A Drunkard, Pray for Mercy

The Hurricanes and Fires

 September 20th, 2017

 September 27th, 2017

Warning: Exhortation to Pray and Fast

 ​​​Hint: You can Easily Translate ALL Pdf files using Google Translate in 5 Simple Steps:

1.) Download the Pdf file Above.
2.) Open it with you PDF reader.
3.) Open Google Translate.
​4.) Copy then Paste the text from the Pdf file, into Google Translate.
5.) Select your language.

September 4th, 2017

September 10th, 2017

Introduction to the new Binding Prayer 9-26-2017

September 27th, 2017

September 24th, 2017

September 1st, 2017

September 20th, 2017

 September 6th, 2017

Hurricane's Aftermath... Why? & Prayer Time Compromise