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PO box 1113
Taos, New Mexico 87571
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If you prefer MoneyGram, please make it out to:
PO box 1113
Taos, New Mexico 87571
Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for helping, may God bless you for your kindness.
Our active ministry is to travel and share the Love Christ has for His Bride, without cost, ministering with original, contemplative music, teachings, counseling and being a loving presence to walk along side all who seek a deeper and more familiar personal relationship with Jesus.
Any donation is really appreciated as it helps us to continue to write, print and record and provide these materials free to anyone who needs them.
Our most pressing mission is to be present to the Holy Spirit and at His service as He draws the Bride into a deeper familiarity with Jesus. Beyond that, we are a sign of hope that the Body of Christ is truly One, under one Head, Jesus Christ, without denominational boundaries, as we dwell together in His Heart.
We continue to write, record, and publish, music and books, to encourage those the Lord wants to touch with this message. We live on a very modest budget but recently the Lord provided the funds that enabled us to purchase equipment and a good truck. As a result we can now fulfill his mandate to travel and share His passion for His Bride and the longing He has to draw her deeply into His arms.
On a local level, we operate a small food bank with seven volunteers that distribute eighteen hundred pounds of food in a thirty mile radius, to needy families every week. Northern New Mexico, is just about as third world as you can get in America. We have a very high poverty rate with young single mothers, homeless, and rural elderly that struggle to survive off the grid. We try to supply their needs for food, medicine and a caring heart, while sharing the love of Jesus.
If you would like to donate to the food bank mission, please send me an e-mail and I will watch for your contribution and earmark it. Otherwise, your donation will be used to support the activities that go into bringing this ministry to the Body. You will also be added to our special prayer list, asking our Merciful Lord to grant you an increase in grace, mercy and prosperity.
Ezekiel & Clare du Bois
God bless you for giving and taking the time to support us,
may the Lord reward you thirty fold, in this life and the life to come.+